
The tactile art miniatures of Amandine Senny

Las miniaturas del arte táctil de Amandine Senny - Nomadart

This French artist manages to stand out for her very careful final result for tiny works. His latest big leap is 'Horizon', a science-fiction short film made in 'stop motion' and designed with his micro-models.

She defines herself as a “craftsman of dreams”. Perhaps it is somewhat excessive, but looking at the work of Amandine Senny, anyone looking to buy something different from art confirms that it is not, that what differentiates this French freelance from Paris in her freelance work (she is also a product and interior designer) is something much more precise and detailed that those who create in large dimensions do not normally treasure: the power of the tactile.

Amanda Senny's micro-sculptures taken care of down to the smallest detail.

Always in his pieces, which he cares for with exacerbated care, he achieves that originality of the plausible in micro format. In other words, that miniature architecture that has led him to achieve tiny caryatids, nineteenth-century doors for elves or small alpine landscapes ( and which can be quickly obtained by taking a look at his catalogue , where he has also sketched from the coats of arms of the houses of Hogwarts in Harry Potter to small busts of singers like Sia or Macklemore) is a faithful reflection of what she herself calls her passion.

I love building things with my hands and then having them come to life.

Amandine Senny

Horizon, his first work in Stop Motion where he brings movement to his works

The latter stems mostly from his most recent venture, where his models have truly ushered in the movement. This is Horizon , a science-fiction short film in s top-motion that she has written –“from scratch”- and directed (and designed, of course, apart from building the sets and characters, animating them, editing…). It is about a young woman in a utopian world where her city is surrounded by a huge wall and that for her it has been something "personal" that she managed to carry out thanks to a crowdfunding campaign that was successfully completed in December 2017. .

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