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La Guía definitiva para descubrir el arte que te apasiona. - Nomadart

The definitive test to discover the art that you are passionate about.

From realism to impressionism, from cubism to surrealism, each style has its own unique aesthetic and ability to evoke different emotions and sensations. But how do you know which of these style...

ArteRegalar arte: por qué las obras de arte son el regalo perfecto - Nomadart

Giving art: why works of art make the perfect gift

The act of giving a gift is a way to express love, appreciation and gratitude towards someone special in our lives. However, not all gifts have the same emotional impact and lasting meaning. In th...

ArteMejora tu decoración con láminas de arte: Consejos para seleccionar las láminas adecuadas - Nomadart

Enhance your decor with art prints: Tips for selecting the right prints

In this article, we'll explore the different types of art prints, factors to consider when choosing a piece of art, how to match them to your decorating style, and much more.

ArteEl arte en las paredes: una ventana hacia el bienestar personal - Nomadart

Art on the walls: a window to personal well-being

Art is a powerful tool to transform any space into a corner full of life, personality and emotions. Have you ever wondered how the decoration of your walls can influence your mood, your personalit...

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ArteEl amor se conserva al vacío: la sociedad plastificada de Haruhiko Kawaguchi - Nomadart

Love is preserved in a vacuum: the plasticized society of Haruhiko Kawaguchi

Japanese photographer Haruhiko Kawaguchi has spent years encapsulating reality in plastic to “capture the feeling”.

ArteArte en la cartera: María Roldán triunfa con sus billetes de obras maestras - Nomadart

Art in the portfolio: María Roldán triumphs with her masterpiece bills

The 26-year-old artist from Málaga hand-paints small Picassos, Kahlos or Vermeers and then lets the money take its course.

Arte7 películas sobre pintores que no debes dejar pasar si te gusta el arte - Nomadart

7 films about painters that you should not miss if you like art

In this report we recommend 7 films that review the life and work of those authors who have supported our love for painting.

Arte¡Míralo de nuevo!: los fotomontajes perfectos de Monica Carvalho - Nomadart

Look at it again!: Monica Carvalho's perfect photomontages

The Swiss photographer has a simple motto: “Make the ordinary extraordinary.” She achieves this perfectly through simple yet meaningful photo collages. A thoughtful, carefully considered surrea...

ArteDesvelado quién escribió el graffiti secreto en ‘El Grito’ de Edvard Munch - Nomadart

Revealed who wrote the secret graffiti in Edvard Munch's 'The Scream'

The hidden and penciled inscription read: "Only a madman could have done it." A phrase that historically has sown a sea of ​​doubts about who wrote it, until now.

Arte10 curiosidades sobre la vida y la obra de Vincent Van Gogh - Nomadart

10 curiosities about the life and work of Vincent Van Gogh

We dive into the figure of the Dutch painter, unanimously considered one of the best artists in history. From his dead brother to his use of a rare yellow pigment.

ArteTortugáguilas y flormencos: la zoología quimérica de Mark Brooks - Nomadart

Turtle Eagles and Flormenes: The Chimerical Zoology of Mark Brooks

The New York artist joins the Spanish illustration studio Alademosca to carry out these impossible evolutions.

ArteMandragore: el rascacielos que podría cambiar el futuro de Nueva York

Mandragore: the skyscraper that could change the future of New York

The project would mean the construction of the tallest green building in the world. The idea is that it is completely sustainable, absorbing more carbon dioxide than it produces.

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